Stewards Of The Month
Our Steward of the Month for January is not one, but many!
The Stewards of the Month for January are all of the youth in our Catholic schools who will be attending the March for Life on January 24th. Year after year, many young women and men from across the Island take the trip down to Washington, DC to remind folks of all ages about the sanctity of life.
Joined together with tens of thousands of other individuals, our youth march side by side with those of different faiths, different races and different political beliefs to raise awareness for the unborn.Last year, this office ran into a group of young men from Chaminade High School(pictured in the photo). We thank those young men, and all of the Long Island youth who are great examples of generously living our stewardship pillars. Each and every one of them practices the pillar of service by doing God's Will of speaking up for God's beautiful creation-human life.
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