About Us
The Office of Parish Development’s Stewardship plan is designed to invite all parishioners to experience a deeper personal relationship with Jesus, as we join together as “One Family in Mission.” Using the Pillars of Stewardship-- Hospitality, Prayer, Formation, and Service -- we work with Parish teams to assist them in guiding their parishioners as they grow in their faith, and become cheerful evangelizers, embracing our call to be Disciples of Christ and spreading the seeds of Dramatic Missionary Growth.
Whatever the stewardship needs of your Parish, The Office of Parish Development will help you to adopt a vision that works with you to develop a Stewardship- way of life in your Parish community.
On this website, we have bulletin inserts and other useful resources. Please feel free to reach out to us at any time for assistance, comments or concerns.
God bless you all and thank you for the work you do for Christ!
Barbara Kilarjian Director of the Catholic Ministries Appeal
516-678-5800 Ext. 257