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What Can I Do To Embrace Dramatic Missionary Growth? 


You can embrace Dramatic Missionary Growth on Long Island and beyond and be a part of our One Family in Mission.


Complete only two actions under each Pillar:  Hospitality, Prayer, Formation and Service, and you will receive a special button. 

Thank you for keeping Stewardship alive in your home, parish and our diocese. 

We would like to acknowledge your commitment to being a cheerful steward of God’s gifts.

After completing two activities under all four pillars of stewardship, we will send you a button that reads:

I. Pillar of Hospitality

  • Wear a smile as you enter Church

  • Periodically sit in a different pew and introduce yourself

  • Warmly greet others at Mass

  • Be patient in the church parking lot when you enter and exit

  • If you belong to a ministry, invite someone new to a meeting

  • Compliment the lector at your Mass

  • Thank the hosts of a parish event

  • Thank a greeter and an usher for their service

  • Express gratitude to those around you

  • Invite a neighbor in for dinner or dessert

II. Pillar of Prayer

  • Add a weekday Mass to your schedule

  • Add an additional 5 minutes to personal prayer each day

  • Offer a special devotion, such as a daily decade of the rosary during the month of May

  • Attend an Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament

  • Consider joining a prayer group

    • Parish based prayer group

  • Learn a new prayer

  • Practice different types of prayer: Lectio Divina

    • Lectio:  read a passage of Scripture

    • Meditatio:  reflect on its meaning and meditate

    • Oratio:  pray

    • Contemplatio:  contemplate

    • St. Ignatian Daily Examen:  The Daily Examen is a technique of prayerful reflection on the events of the day in order to detect God’s presence and discern His direction for us.

      • Become aware of God’s presence

      • Review the day with gratitude

      • Pay attention to your emotions

      • Choose one feature of the day and pray from it

      • Look toward tomorrow

    • Imagery Prayer:  When we open our imaginations, we can enter into a story from scripture and experience it through our imaginations, feelings, actions, thoughts and insights.  Guided imagery as a form of prayer can open us to new understandings about certain life events, our feelings or behaviors, even our deepest selves.  It is a way to integrate scripture with our everyday existence.

    • Heart to Heart conversation with God

  • Charismatic Renewal

  • Start a prayer chain

III. Pillar of Formation

IV. Pillar of Service

  • Put your Faith-in-Action and join a parish ministry

  • Donate to your parish’s food pantry

  • Organize a food drive

  • Check in with a neighbor who may be homebound

  • Drive an elderly person to church, doctor’s appointment or grocery shopping

  • Volunteer for one of Catholic Charities programs

  • Volunteer for a parish event

  • Plan a family service project

  • Donate to the Catholic Ministries Appeal or another charity that serves others

  • Provide technology assistance to parish staff or help others in your parish with signing up for automated giving

  • Show kindness to someone going through a difficult time

Stewardship Activity Completion Form

Would you like to have your name and parish listed on our Stewardship Scroll?
Would you like to receive our newsletter?
Can we share your activities on our Stewardship Facebook page?

Thanks for submitting. Your your DMG button is on its way!

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Embracing Dramatic Missionary Growth

Diocese of Rockville Centre

PO Box 4000

Rockville Centre, New York 


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