The Office of Parish Development’s Stewardship plan is designed to invite all Catholics to experience a deeper personal relationship with Jesus, as we join together as “One Family in Mission.” Using the Pillars of Stewardship-- Hospitality, Prayer, Formation, and Service -- we offer a guide to parishioners as they grow in their faith, and become cheerful evangelizers, embracing our call to be Disciples of Christ and spreading the seeds of Dramatic Missionary Growth.
CLICK HERE to Learn What You Can Do To Embrace Dramatic Missionary Growth

As Catholic Stewards, we are also commissioned with the duty to pass on the Catholic Faith to future generations. Through a planned gift you can pass on this legacy. If you treasure your Catholic faith and would like to invest in its future, please consider a planned gift to your parish or programs and ministries of the Diocese.
About Us
Stewardship is the grateful response of every Christian disciple to share our God given gifts of time, talent and treasure in a way that passionately sets our hearts on fire and touches the lives of other, as we live the corporal and spiritual works of mercy through Hospitality, Prayer, Formation and Service.
“To be a good steward” does not mean simply “to give more money.” Stewardship is a way of looking at our life itself, and our many gifts, through a different lens. It’s about seeing everything we have – our time on earth, our interests, intellect, talents, and, yes, our financial resources – as gifts from God. These gifts are placed in our trust as tools to use for our own salvation and the salvation of all.
Our Bishops teach about good stewardship
In their beautifully-written national pastoral letter on stewardship, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops teaches us that proper stewardship is not a one-time act of generosity, but a lifestyle conversion:
"[Stewardship is] a long-term, continuing process . . . a sharing, generous, accountable way of life rooted in Christian discipleship which [we] can take to heart and apply to the circumstances of [our] lives.
Barbara Kilarjian
Director of the Catholic Ministries Appeal
Office of Planned Giving
516-678-5800 Ext. 257